Weasels in Space — OMG CHELLY'S HUMAN @kitcaboodle FOUND THIS AND NOW...

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Alright kids, we're at the road stop of this long scrolling journey. Make sure to:

- Stand up and stretch

- Get a drink of water

- Grab something to eat if you're hungry

- Use the bathroom if you need it

- Unclench your jaw

You all done? Alrighty! Let's get back to the scrolling.



You know, one of the things I really love about this new Tumblr Blaze thing is that it makes the choice to put a bit of cash into sharing a post a little more widely a form of communication in and of itself: I want people to see this enough I'm willing to put a bit of money in it, I believe in sharing this thing, I really want you to see this and think about it and have a fucking emotion about this thing.

Sometimes that emotion is violent alarm--the president's shoelaces post is back, damn us all--and sometimes it's wild laughter and sometimes it's a bit of you fucker--

but sometimes also that emotion is warmth and connection and oh, right, it's a human on the other end of the screen. It's a human who really wants me to know they have a round soft cat named chelly, or that they hope I relax my jaw and take care of myself, or how to make this hellsite a hellhome, that I--a total stranger, an imaginary null, a cipher writhing in my bed procrastinating on admitting that my day has well and truly started--

this human living I know not where, doing I know not what, they hope I have a nice time. They share this stupid blue shitposty Internet with me and they want me to see a nice thing, or be nice to myself, or share a moment of joy. Our flickering screens connect us to unknown humans who, lacking any knowledge of one another, nevertheless wish each other well.

The Blaze feature is amplifying our ability to connect to one another. And that's not inherently about the structure of the platform, either: it's been possible to buy small chunks of ads for a bunch of platforms for like ten years. The thing that is setting this feature apart are really twofold: one, that @staff is not advertising and tailoring the feature to business (e.g. refusing to offer tailored ads that aim to particular, potentially profitable demographics), and two, that we as an online community are choosing en masse to use that offer to share little details about our lives and our blorbos and our desires with one another. Even if those desires revolve around making that fucking manscaping ads go away. We are choosing as a community to turn the ability to forcibly share a little soapbox time with one another into a means of communication rather than a means of commodification, and in these days of late Web 2.0 that's a very distinct choice indeed.

Moreover, by making these promoted Blaze posts into rebloggable chunks of information in their own right, we can collectively choose to amplify the really good ones: the ones that are sweet, the ones that are useful, the ones that are funny, the ones that are acidly mind melting--and sink the crappy ones, like the tradcath missionary ad I got a couple weeks ago, into the collective dross pit like the rocks they are. We can use the choice to Blaze a post as a form of communication and a component of the signal used to start a conversation and communicate more forcefully and enthusiastically and lovingly with one another than ever before--and because we can and are choosing to do so, we can experiment within the space on what that means and how we can explore the space. We've shifted ads from an exploitative framework to an exploratory one, and I think that's pretty neat.

And also, I really regret not reblogging that cat image from the other day that Blaze tossed into my feed, and if I find it again I'm gonna tell that person that chelly is adorable and the fluffiest roundest grey tabby I've ever seen, very shaped, and thank the poster for taking the time and cash to show her to me.



Look at her she is GREAT

a slightly scruffy grey tabby kitty with a little white nose snip and mittens curls up on a red rug. she is round and precious and content. underneath is written "hi everyone! :) here is another photo of my cat." in tags, the poster has added #her name is chelly! #she pulls the blanket onto the floor so she can nap on it.  #personal #mineALT

In solidarity, here is a picture of my rotten cat Peter, who is helpfully bestowing his hairs on my clean and folded laundry. (you can’t see it in the picture, but that dryer is on and he is totally unfazed. monster.)

close up of a white cat with brown tabby patches and a little pink nose curled up on a folded fuzzy grey blanket. in the background you can see my washing machine. he looks utterly serene and very peaceful. in no way is he neatly folded like laundry should be.ALT