matthiasโ€™ post ck/survival au (including k.os & r.ow)

(spoilers for the books ahead! this is very much open for everyone and Iโ€™d love to plot the verse out more! obviously these points arenโ€™t set in stone, especially when it comes to other characters!! a lot of this has been discussed with @stardustvein, so shoutout to anna <3)

  • he is shot by the young d.rรผskelle, but not in the heart, the wound isnโ€™t life-threatening. m.atthias and n.ina stay with w.ylan and j.esper for a while during his recovery.
  • eventually they leave for r.avka. m.atthias encouraged n.ina to do so, since she has the chance to return home that he hasnโ€™t. seeing the little palace and walking through these halls is quite a weird feeling for him, but the time they spend there and the time he gets to meet other g.risha only strengthen his determination to help changing things in f.jerda and his belief that he made the right choices.
  • so they go to f.jerda undercover, in the disguise of a (fjerdan) married couple, planning to save g.risha and if possible find a way to bring peace between their countries. what happens then is basically n.inaโ€™s k.os storyline, only with m.atthias at her side (they discover brumโ€™s experiments in the north together etc).
  • fInding out about what his former mentor has done to g.risha there destroys the tiny, last bit of sympathy heโ€™d harboured for the man
  • m.atthias reunites with t.rassel, but they obviously canโ€™t keep him with them and risk being discovered
  • they also meet h.anne and since they used to spend a lot of time together they eventually figure out who m.atthias really is
  • heโ€™s terrified when actually coming face to face with b.rum, but he believes m.atthias has died in k.etterdam and therefore doesnโ€™t suspect anything
  • they all go to djerholm and even though he has no regrets, returning to the capital is a special kind of pain
  • m.atthias recognizes joran, of course he does, but he still forgives him and I could even imagine them having conversations and m.atthias subtly trying to make him question the d.rรผskelle and their views. 
  • I donโ€™t have much of an actual plot, but I personally think nina being discovered by the a.pparant & m.atthias being discovered by b.rum eventually could create great tension and raise the stakes 
  • m.atthias and h.anne bonding time pls and ty?? 
  • they would obviously support โ€œrasmusโ€ in every way they can, but also recognize that for now thereโ€™s not much more they can do for f.jerda
  • during/after the peace conference m.atthias kills b.rum when he threatens n.ina and/or him (donโ€™t @ me, this wouldโ€™ve been the superior closure for matthiasโ€™ character arc and Iโ€™ll die on that hill) - I might expand on this, because I donโ€™t actually remember how the scene went and I have no desire to dive back into r.ow tbh
  • m.atthias and n.ina join i.nej after the coronation, finally getting back their identities, and they return to k.etterdam together for another heist with the gang
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