


She/her 🏳️‍🌈 Chaotic Gay • Cosplayer • Chain tea-drinker

You’ve made yourself her mausoleum


Leaf bracers inspired by LOTRO cosmetics—my favourite part of my Galadhrim build! These were my first leather tooling project—I learned a lot and absolutely fell in love with the process! Now I feel very powerful haha. I can make all the leather things!


Alright, today's the day ya'll are gonna learn how to make proper Chai! (no not Chai tea latte bullshit. Ya'll are literally asking for tea tea latte, doesn't make sense!)

Listen up!

1. Fill your cooking pot 1.5 parts (measured by the cup you're serving in) of water.

2. Add a healthy pinch of grated ginger.

3. Take 3-4 cardamom cloves, break em open to get the seeds, crush them using a blunt object, like mortar and pestle (you can also grind in food processor) and add to pot. You can also just grind me up in a food processor, shell and all, and add it like that.

4. Add a tablespoon of black tea powder. Any Indian brand will work.

5. Bring the mix to a roaring boil.

6. Add milk until you get a slight clay pot color, or a darkish brown. Bring to a boil again.

7. Add sugar to taste.

8. Filter tea into a cup.

9. Aaaand voila, done! Serve with your favorite butter cookies/biscuit to dip in tea!


Best chai ever! Try it!!

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