Tale As Old As Time...(Part 11)

Oh my gosh, my beloved readers. I am astonished by myself. I have written approximately 35k in the span of 11 days. That is... insane. And I am exhausted. Plus real life is knocking at my door. So with your permission, I would like to ask for a break. 

It will give me time to figure out exactly where I am going with the story. And don’t worry, even if there aren’t any new chapters, I will still post other stuff related to TAOAT. Because you guys are the best and the wind in my sails. I will return, but give me some 7-10 days to catch my breath. 

I have decided to break the story down into “Acts”. This part can be considered the end of Act 1, so you don’t feel I am leaving you in a cliffhanger. 

If you have been falling behind or want to catch up, the link to the full work on Ao3 is here


“Maharaj.” Kala Bhairava gasped.

“I thought you said you wo-wouldn’t stab me with these daggers, Kala Bhairava.” Jai purred as he pressed the man more firmly into the wall.

“I…” Kala Bhairava gasped.

Jai leaned in till they were chest to chest, one of his legs in between Kala Bhairava’s. He rested his forehead against Kala Bhairava’s feeling his chest clench as Kala Bhairava’s eyes fluttered shut, his eyelashes nearly brushing Jai’s cheeks.

“Drop the dagger Kala Bhairava,” there was a thump as the blade hit the floor. Jai bared his teeth into a smile, “Good boy.”

Kala Bhairava whimpered.

Jai dug his fingers deeper, making the man squirm, eyes scrunching tighter.

There was a flash of lightning, leaving the whole room painted in silver for a minute. Thunder rolled in the distance. In the room, the sound of two heartbeats pounding echoed in the ears of their respective owners.

A drop of water fell on Kala Bhairava’s throat. Another on his collarbone. He hissed at the cold shock, eyes popping open. He gasped. “Maharaj! You’re soaking!”

Jai was. He could feel his feet squelching in his wet slippers, the water seeping into his head from his wet hair. Could feel it in the uncomfortable press of his kurta against his chest, and his pyjamas to his thighs.

“Got caught in the rain.”

Kala Bhairava started and squirmed some more. “Come on, let me get you some towels, you’ll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes.”

And Jai…Jai wanted him. More than the cold seeping into his skin, the fire of Kala Bhairava warmed him from the inside out. He could feel it spreading from his center, and he wanted to keep going. Wanted to press his lips to that throat, run his hands under that tunic, see what other delicious little noises he could elicit from Kala Bhairava.


“Maharaj.” Kala Bhairava said sharply, jerking in Jai’s gasp again. “Let go of me.”

Jai let him go. He didn’t move back.

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