
I want to chug a gallon of milk

@dumpster-fire-skeleton / dumpster-fire-skeleton.tumblr.com

😌 king's jester 👑 🖤 violence 💥 blogging from the sewers 🕳 🐶 Non-Biny, He/They, and I regret learning to read

sorry i covered your neck in dark hickeys and clamped down hard on your throat like limp prey while i was giving you a handjob. you whimpered a little too soft and i blacked out and believed myself to be a feral dog in possession of an entire rotisserie chicken

you all know there's other posts on here to reblog right

everybody else deactivate your account these two need the room for a second


y'all are tagging posts like recipe website commenters


AJSJJDKSJD THE QUILTING SHOW MY GMA WANTS TO GO TO HAS A “FREE TICKET FOR UNDER 30s” IM!!!!! that’s SO funny ?? They wanna encourage young ppl SO much to get into quilting

what i imagine the quilting convention back room looks like

this is happening tmrw im soooo excited!!! my gma is bringing her walking stick for age related reasons but also so she can quote “knock those old ladies OUT of my way”

y’all it was so much fun, there were so many Incredible quilts there, i had an awesome time. here are some photos i took of the quilts, forgive me for how crooked most of them are, i took them v quickly bc my gma was getting tired

i wanna shout out this last one—ITS ALL THREAD PAINTING. THE WHOLE THING. it’s. i should have got a close up of it but it’s all thread painted it’s so so cool

& yet MORE quilts…

i wanna shout out the top picture — the skull quilt was so cool first of all & it’s ALSO the artists FIRST QUILT??? it was so incredibly cool & detailed I rly loved it. i also wanna point out the last quilt here, all of these flowers are applique & i had so much trouble keeping from TOUCHING it (which ur not allowed to do ofc). it was so gorgeous. the close up square above it is from the same quilt. just wow!

ok this might be the last addition—there were Heaps of quilts on display, i wish i could have photographed all of them but i simply didn’t have time. what a wonderful event

ok so a couple notes about these quilts—first of all, the top right is called judy’s legacy (forgive me, it might have been judith but im like 95% sure it was judy) & aside from being rly excellent, the quilt was started by judy & unfortunately she passed while in the process of making it. then her friend/s took it up & finished it & that was a rly touching thing to read.

second, the joan of arc quilt is what got me into quilting in the first place in a big way, seeing it kinda opened my eyes to the possibilities of what u could DO with quilting. so getting to see a version of it in person was very cool!!!

third, the last quilt was my vote for voters choice quilt—the diffusion effect of the coloured squares is just mind blowing to me. remarkable.

thus concludes my tour of quilts I saw today!!


If theres one thing I crave whenever I play New vegas it’s.. horses.. So i MADE MY OWN 

They’re called sleipnir for pretty self explanatory reasons, plus I thought being named after something mythological fits pretty well with some of the other mutant animals in the wastes. The run cycle is mostly rotoscoped

+some bonus babies ft. my big ol courier gal




very interesting to take outrage over a more inclusive flag at its word lol and by “interesting” i mean question this shit

i love these pictures even more knowing the flyers paid specifically to use this flag for gritty


me to my daughter when I take away her yugioh cards for misbehaving: Say goodbye to exodia

julian you can’t react to every situation by taking away someone’s yugioh cards

oh you think so ren? Say goodbye to exodia.


The haunting ancient Celtic carnyx being played for an audience. This is the sound Roman soldiers would have heard their Celtic enemies make.


Man if I heard that shit while descending upon a strange land with my brethren I'd straight up dig a hole to die in right the and there, fuck the emperor fuck the gods that's a warning straight from the bones of an older evil and whatever is coming is worse than death


The inherent homoeroticism of killing your enemy and immediately regretting it

It’s about rage, it’s about obsession, it’s about making that two-person war your entire raison d’être. It’s about loving and mistaking it for hatred and loving and loving and loving to the point of destruction. His or yours, it doesn’t matter. And you think seeing him dead at your feet will make you feel better, but all you feel is a whole lot of nothing.

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