Anonymous asked:

☕️ + D/A being endgame

I mean, I don't believe in endgames for immortals but yes they are absolutely always going to be each other's endgame. LMAO. Listen, they're both fucking weirdoes who love each other for who the other person is and they know each other completely. Daniel is the first person who loves Armand as a whole person and sees him for exactly what and who he is and says, "Yes, this is my person."

We joke about the insect comparison but he's right. Vampires are monsters that look human but are dangerous predators merely masquerading as human. They're dead, and they're strange, and Armand is the strangest, weirdest one of all. And Daniel is INTO IT. Daniel allows him to be weird and experiment with not only gadgets but with how to be person and how to live and how to love. And Armand loves Daniel for being curious and insightful and intelligent and, honestly, for being kind of a freak himself. They are soulmates in the sense that they are two people who are, by some happenstance of the universe, incredible together and it's a miracle they found each other (thank you, Louis!)

I do think they fight and argue, and I think they're kind of the couple that takes time apart to do their own things. But I also think they know each other so well and love each other so much, they'll always come back together eventually. And honestly, the fact that Anne--who could not bother to string together more than a sentence involving Daniel by the end of the series--shoved them back together sort of says to me that she knew that, too. But FWIW, I also multi-ship and I love Armand with Louis (and some very persuasive people are talking me into loving Armand with Lestat in that way, too). Armand gets things from Louis, for example, that Daniel can't give him, and I think Daniel is sort of relieved he has him tbh. Plus the idea of the four of them (Louis/Lestat/Armand/Daniel) being together in any weird configuration they want to be in is great and I will read every fic about it, whether they're playing board games or piled in Armand's bed.

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