Welcome to the DailyRebelCaptain BIG BANG!!

The DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang is an opportunity for fandom creators to work together in a long-fic project! What is a Big Bang?

A Big Bang is a special kind of ficathon event in which authors sign-up to write long stories by a certain date and are paired up with fanartists/visual content creators who make accompanying artwork and/or edits for their stories.

We have set two word-goal options:

♡ 5,000-10,000 words for the LittleBang ♡ 11,000-40,000 words for the BigBang

What is Allowed for the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang: ⟡ Every single idea under the sun! You don’t have to stick to in-universe stories —crossovers, fusions, and alternate universes are all allowed. Do you want to write a medieval fantasy AU? Excellent, please do! Want to have Jyn and Cassian as superheroes a la Marvel or DC? Go ahead! You’ve always wanted to write a rom-com movie inspired story? Now’s the time to go for it! The sky’s the limit! ⟡ Secondary pairings and relationships are also allowed, as long as the primary pairing is Cassian and Jyn’s. You can include as many side pairings and/or relationships as you want.

SCHEDULE March 1 – April 4: Prompt Nominations & Sign-Ups April 17:  Potential Matching Projects go out April 18 –Apr 30: Story/Visual Content Claims Sep 1 - Oct 1: Progress Check-In (Not Mandatory) Nov 20 –Dec 10: Works due! Dec 11 –Dec 20: Amnesty period Dec 27: BigBang Masterpost goes live!

Find further information on the DailyRebelCaptain 2021 BigBang under the Read More! If you happen to have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to send us an ask.

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