

@corvid-ae / corvid-ae.tumblr.com

bonnie | 21 | she/they | bi aro queer | aussie | deep down the doctor who rabbit hole | paul mcgann stan blog mostly | art blog

hello hello to all the lovely people that follow me or are just taking a look at my blog! just a friendly reminder that i have an art blog if you're interested (although i will usually reblog my art here too): @creativecorvid

i also post my edits on my tiktok: fifthdoctor

and i have a youtube channel where i post my audio commentary edits in full: fifthdoctor

and thank you again to anyone who reblogs or likes the stuff i post, i love and appreciate you all! <3


OH SHET I MEAN THAT GURL- YOU'RE THAT EDITOR FROM TIKTOK!! You're videos have been feeding me because I actually feel lonely that I seem to be the only one to like and have a CRUSH on the fifth doctor. And I'm grateful for that ❤️


haha I guess I am! I’m so glad you like my videos, that means a lot!! and don’t worry there are a lot of us out there who crush on fivey, you’re not alone <3 :)

he's goofy he's silly he's wacky he's going to kill all life on this planet he's the love of my life. and did i mention he's silly

the universal doctor who experience is seeing a lot of 8th doctor fans attest that he is the best doctor and you're like who? the guy from literally one episode? he was only in one episode though and it was campy as hell? and then you look into it and find the most devistating stories mankind has ever produced dangling off the edge of TV canonisity and none of it is ever mentioned again on the TV screen. okay.


honestly reading the edas/vnas does make you prone to developing a sort of superiority complex which is sooo silly considering these books originally sold so poorly the bbc donated them to eastern european orphanages so they could be burnt as fuel

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