Why did you type Donald Trump as ENTJ? I don't see much intuition in him.


First of all, *I* didn't type Donald Trump as an ENTJ. I just saw him typed as one, and agree with the typing.

I agree with the typing, for the following reasons:

Donald Trump clearly has conscious Te. He's not a feeler, for sure, as he doesn't promote a sense of unity and community you'd find with conscious Fe. And I think everyone agrees on the conscious Te part I've never seen Trump typed as anything other than ExTx.

He also has conscious Ne, and how do we know this? Because Jung starts the description of Se, by saying no one beats Se1 in realism. Donald Trump is very much the opposite of a realistic person.

And maybe the reason you don't see a lot of Trump's Ne is because he spent most of his presidency with unbalanced functions. I am paraphrasing here, but Jung says in these unbalanced situations, unconscious Fi would lead Trump to be defensive, and attack everyone who went against his plan. Unconscious Si would then lead Trump to develop a thinking pattern that his ideas were the best, until reality smacks him in the face. And isn't that exactly what we saw evolve in Donald Trump over his presidency?

And then on top of that, when I looked for characteristics of DISC in Trump, only D had enough characteristics present to be above 50/50. And Primary D =ENTJ.

So I confirm Donald Trump as

Te1, Ne2, Si3, Fi4 in SOJT

Primary D in DISC

Here's some reading about conscious Te and unconscious Fi from Jung:

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