Bright Oak

@brightoakgame /

An Upcoming Visual Novel Game

Halloween Short #2 - Marybeth Forster

Next up is a post-apocalyptic snapshot loosely modelled on Richard Matheson’s “I am Legend”. Art and editing credit goes to the stellar @remnantation​ once more. Note: some minor swearing involved. Stay safe out there!

Even at the height of summer, darkness falls quickly in the hills. And where darkness falls, the shadows multiply. 

I watched as the red disk of the sun slipped below the mountain line, anxiously eying the remote field as the silhouettes of trees and granite and scrub lengthened and distorted, the hush hush of dry grass underfoot growing louder as my steps quickened. I knew too well what could lurk in the shade beneath those silhouettes; knew with a high, singing fear the sense of being pursued as prey, knew to listen for not just the rattle of disturbed serpents or the coughing cry of lions, but for a peculiar groaning that spoke equally eloquently of warning, of hunger and violence.

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