Btw in case you ever run into someone trying to downplay the Omnitrix's reaction speed by saying the Anhillargh was an artificial Big Bang and so couldn't be as fast/strong as the real thing...
They're RIGHT, it's not as fast, it's FASTER by several orders of magnitude.
when the Universe was only about 100,000 light-years in diameter, roughly the size of the Milky Way galaxy, the Universe was only ~3 years old
The unenhanced Big Bang literally created a infinitly big universe in less than a minute and travelled at least 14.9 million light years (14 trillion C) in only 5 seconds.
The one the Onmitrix reacted to had a Dwarf Star that EXPLICITLY enhances whatever it's attached to by a thousand fold.
Universe being infinitly big
The universe being made by the unehanced Anhillargh
Where it makes several galaxies in 5 seconds.
Aka AT LEAST 14,900,000 light years in 5 seconds or 14 trillion C.
Seeing as the watch very explicitly transformed him AFTER he was shrouded by the light of the Big Bang but BEFORE he got hit with it (and again being super generous) this is the reaction time you'd need to react to something going that fast if it was a meter away from you.
You would have about 35 yoctoseconds to react before it hit you. As in the shortest unit of time before Plank Length.
You can see it happen at 2:02 to 2:16 along with Ben outright stating the Onmitrix wouldn't let him die.
The watch is ridiculously fast and that's the LOWEST low ball considering the one the Omnitrix ACTUALLY reacted to got modified with a Dwarf Star that explicitly enhances any tech/person it's attached to by a thousand fold. It can literally grant people powers and shit, like teleportation/force fields and innate super strength.