
☀️ BatSnake__113 🌙(NiKo)

@batsnake--113 / batsnake--113.tumblr.com

× He/Him - Eng/Esp - 21 × Colombian artist and animator who enjoys character designing, I post here the art I do from time to time (if I remember to do so) × You can find me basically everywhere as BatSnake__113 ×
Anonymous asked:

This is the anon who asked about the genocide ending.

Sorry for bothering you earlier.

Oh no is no worry I was simply joking, I'm just here for the fun but also I don't mind

Anonymous asked:

When you do a pacifist run after the genocide run in undertale red and yellow, do you think Chara and Frisk would hurt Clover after the ending? How do you think Clover would react to being betrayed?

"We make cute ship art here sir"

(Haven't looked up what happens in geno and while it is "interesting" implications some else will have to come up with them cuz I Won't Do)


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