Leo Sun Libra Moon

If you're the Leo Sun Libra Moon, you're warm and charming People are drawn by your bright personality and relaxed manner of living. You are at your best when in the center of attention or in an apposition that requires the use of diplomacy. Your calm and graceful manner can help stop tension and conflict.

As the Leo Moon Libra Moon, like the majority of Leos, you possess an idealistic and romantic perception of life. The rose-colored glasses you are wearing frequently prevent you from being able to see reality as it is. If reality isn't your friend, you are frightened and confused. Since you are naturally trustworthy, kind and generous You believe everyone else to be as well, which can affect your judgment. It is likely that you have realized that some people are not living according to the standards you set.

Fortunately, when you're born with the Leo Sun Libra Moon, your charm, good nature and innocent innocence typically will bring out the most positive in other people and can help you too.

Leos are a leader with a lot of drive however, it's not an easy task for a Leo Sun Libra Moon individual to become an authority figure. You don't want to invade the rights of others and worry about hurting the feelings of others. Additionally, you desire to be loved by everyone. It's difficult to give commands.

If you're a Leo Sun Libra Moon individual taking a decision is challenging, as you do not take a decision after having heard the advice of everyone else. If your opinions do not agree in the same way, which they usually do, you're left confused. The majority of the time, you just stick to your Leo intuition.

If you're a person with an Leo Sun Libra Moon, vanity is a powerful influence in your life, and you judge yourself mostly by how others perceive yourself, instead of how you perceive yourself. If you are subjected to an excessive amount of criticism at some time in the course of your existence, then you may be prone to a negative and self-conscious mindset.

Being the Leo Sun Libra Moon, you can maintain a healthy and solid self-image by recognizing that your opinions are just as valid as any other person's and not paying too all that attention to what other people might be thinking!

If you're a person who is the Leo Sun Libra Moon, your natural charm will usually bring you lots of friends. However, you could be draining them by the constant desire to be admired and praised. If you are feeling unappreciated You run the danger of falling into states of confusion, anxiety and, perhaps most importantly the feeling of lethargy. Both indicators associated with Leo Sun Libra Moon Leo Sun Libra Moon combination are a pleasure-seeking and comfort-seeking which is why you are likely to devote plenty of time to relax and sexual pleasures. But it is possible to make lazy an everyday thing and can be a sign of frustration, particularly when you're not getting the attention and appreciation you deserve.

If you're an Leo Sun Libra Moon, you excel in fields that provide glamour and prestige. Film, the arts advertising, design and fashion are all ideal. Furthermore, you're very well-suited to any field which involve human relationships, and solving conflicts is your forte.

You're loyal and constant in relationships, but you are still prone to flirt with your friends. This is just to boost your vanity and pride since even though you think you are a Don Juan or woman of the night, your love typically belongs to a single person.

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