
2 Puppets, 1 Host


You can call me (OP) Echo. I'm 21, in college for animation, and a proud member of the Asexual community! (@EchoArts03)


ECHO (She/Her) / AroAce / 21 / Animation Major WARNING: This user swears a lot. She is over the age of 18, a legal adult, and can do whatever the fuck she wants :)


Find Me Elsewhere!




Puppet Doodles!

So last week, my friend @paintys-palette and I were on this website called Whiteboard Fox just drawing random Hello Puppets stuff together, and I assumed maybe you guys would like to see some of my contributions to the board. XD

It's honestly nothing fancy; the quality isn't what you guys are used to considering the whiteboard is just a browser program, but I hope you like them anyways! :)

NOTE: Painty wrote their commentary in black, and I wrote my replies to them in purple. Sometimes we would just make little comments on the drawings off to the side, so if you're confused by that, that's the reason XD


Mini-Comic Sketch

Idk what drove me to draw this, I was just in the mood to draw some wholesome shit, and this happened. XD

I think this may be from an incorrect quote generator, but I can't quite remember XD

Also, I haven't drawn any of the canon Handeemen in a long time, so cut me a bit of slack on that XD


The Twin Puppets (Revamped!)

I have been meaning to redesign the twins a bit, even if it isn't by much.

About the Twins

Flare is a huge fashionista, and loves starting (but rarely finishes) sewing projects. His shtick was friendship, self love, and empathy, but after being brought to life alongside his sister, it seems to be less of a priority nowadays; far less important then his looks are to him of course.

Echo is a Zooligist/Veterinarian. She adores any and all animals, and often hoardes rats, stray cats, and other common animals that wander into the warehouse from Riley, who wants to use them for experiments.

Echo has a hot temper, but unlike Daisy she knows and accepts her temper wholeheartedly.

After being brought to life, their normal "siblings 'till the end" thing was history. They bicker, fight and argue over the littlest of things. That makes sense though, considering they share the same host.

I'm sure any of us would go crazy if we were stuck within arms reach of our sibling every day no matter what with no choice in changing the matter.

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