



they proved to me that it can be worse and I'm living for it 🥰😍❤️

[ID: Simon sitting next to Prismo, "So... Why did you make Ice Queen like that?" Prismo asks "Like what. Cunty? ... Milfy?" Simon looks tired and doesn't know how to respond. end ID.]

Adventure time Betty and Simon art dump! In! 2022…! Cuz I thought “oh hey! im gonna rewatch the adventure time finale! that’ll be fun”, and then proceeded to go and rewatch a bunch of the Betty episodes too cuz im, obsessed… I just!!! I LOVE HER! And simon!!!! I love them both! I never uploaded art of them online back before adventure time ended but.. I’ve loved them for a long time… so!!!! Very happy to be actually uploading art of them finally!

I might touch up the digital sketchy ones more later (the pics w the red lines), and! I will be making chibis of Magic Betty and Golb Betty too to go w the 2 other Betty chibis in here, honestly… I should probably wait to post all the chibis together as a set but.. I’m impatient gGHG- U will get the other 2 eventually tho! I will finish them! But! for now u just get 2 non-magical Bettys.




art dump wahhhhhhhh


i love sociopaths i love narcissists i love low/no empathy havers i love people so mentally scarred it makes them generally mean people who push everyone away i love chronically angry people i love people with horrible intrusive thoughts (yes even yours) i love people who want horrible things to happen to the people who hurt them i love people with pervasive feelings of hate i love people who are uncontrollably agitated and irritable i see you i care about you i want you to get better i think you deserve as many chances as it takes for you to pull through i mean it i really really mean it


I fucking hate when the internet waters down actual serious diagnoses to the point where everyone can somehow relate to it. I hate when the bad symptoms get glossed over for the sake of making cluster B individuals seem nicer and more relatable to the public, at the expense of painting an accurate picture of the disorder. I hate when the response to me talking about my bad symptoms is to deny that I have them and reassure me that I'm a sweet person who would never do that. That I just have the wrong perception of my own behavior. I hate when my friends say they have the same personality disorders as me because they related to some symptoms they saw on fucking tiktok. But then turn around and call me a horrible person for displaying any symptom that isn't self deprecating, quiet, cute, and deserving of sympathy. The whole fucking point of cluster B disorders are that they make life a living hell. It's not fair, it's not nice, it's not sweet, there's no justice to it. There's no "it's okay to have (insert disorder) and get mad at your loved ones as long as you don't act on it ^^" when acting on it is part of the fucking disorder. Can we stop acting like all symptoms can be suppressed, that having personality disorders and being cluster B is just a minor inconvenience and it's still easy to be a functioning nice person. And can we stop acting like being horrible to yourself makes a disorder "better" and more "noble" than being horrible to others. Thanks. (And no one put words in my mouth, I am not saying that it's okay to hurt others by acting on your symptoms, I'm just saying that it's a part of the disorder that needs to be recognized in order to be dealt with. Denying it's there is not doing anything. "I didn't choose to develop this disorder and I didn't choose to act this way" and "acting this way hurts the people I love and I need to be responsible and seek help" are two statements that can and should co-exist. There's nothing fair about being mentally ill.)

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