What is Piles (hemorrhoids) , Symptoms & Treatment

Piles (hemorrhoids) - What is it?

Hemorrhoids Conditions and Treatment Commonly known as piles, hemorrhoids are abnormally congested and swollen blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. They can break during a bowel movement and bleed or fall out. Piles cause discomfort and itching, which affects a person's daily lifestyle. In this case, a treatment known as hemorrhoidal disease may be necessary. This is a common condition, but many people shy away from seeing a doctor until the pain or discomfort becomes unbearable, or when bleeding begins, for fear that it could be something more serious. Treatment of Piles (hemorrhoids) in Singapore

There is more than one type of piles. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. They may be present but do not cause pain or discomfort. However, straining during bowel movements can cause them to bleed and spread as a result of prolapse. Defecation can cause bruising and bleeding, and the presence of feces and persistent moisture in the anal canal can cause itching in the anus, although itching is not a common symptom of hemorrhoids. Less common: Hemorrhoids protrude from the anus and cannot be pushed back, a condition known as prisoner hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids develop around the anus and may feel like bumps in the anus, but they usually cause some of the typical symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. When they are irritated, they may itch or bleed. External hemorrhoids can cause very painful anal bumps when blood clots form inside it (thrombosis).

Hemorrhoids - Symptoms

The symptoms of hemorrhoids can mimic and mask the symptoms of cancer. It is important that any patient complaining of symptoms associated with hemorrhoids should mild their symptoms and consult their specialist surgeon for a complete evaluation before ruling out symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

Some of the signs and symptoms that patients may experience include:

  • Bleeding in cases other than defecation.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying, which is present all the time despite defecation.
  • Change in the capacity and nature of stool.
  • changing bowel habits
  • clear hard mass in the anus
  • Unexplained loss of appetite and weight.
  • Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids): Causes and Risk Factors
  • There are many factors that lead a person to develop symptomatic piles. They are generally associated with any number of conditions that can cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, including:

Piles (hemorrhoids) - Treatment

The treatment of piles depends on the severity and type of symptoms affecting the patient. Simple preventive measures include a balanced diet and adequate water intake to ensure regular and easy bowel movements. If this does not help, other treatments available .

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