

@agent-bee / agent-bee.tumblr.com

Bee's library | 18+ | She | spanish&english | @bee_nieeee in twitter
I thought I understood the situation on the ground. But I didn’t. Nothing can truly prepare you for this dystopia. What reaches the rest of the world is a fraction of what I’ve seen so far, which is only a fraction of this horror’s totality. Gaza is hell. It is an inferno teeming with innocents gasping for air. But even the air here is scorched. Every breath scratches and sticks to the throat and lungs. What was once vibrant, colorful, full of beauty, potential and hope against all odds, is draped in gray-colored misery and grime.
But how does one reckon with losing your entire family, watching and smelling their bodies disintegrate around you in the rubble, as you wait for rescue or death? How does one reckon with total erasure of your existence in the world – your home, family, friends, health, whole neighborhood and country? No photos of your family, wedding, children, parents left; even the graves of your loved ones and ancestors bulldozed. All this while the most powerful forces and voices vilify and blame you for your wretched fate. Genocide isn’t just mass murder. It is intentional erasure. Of histories. Of memories, books and culture. Erasure of potential in a land. Erasure of hope in and for a place.

Hind Rajab was a 5 year old girl in Gaza who was killed while she hid alone in a car, along with the paramedics who tried to rescue her. Yesterday students at Columbia seized the administration building and renamed it in her honor.

Gadzooks Bazooka

Instagram: gadzooks_bazooka


Uknighted Dream courtesy of my Patreon supporters! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope to post more next year, but I'm really proud of everything I've put out this year, even though 2023 has been rough for me (and a lot of people), but at least I know we're not alone. Let's hope for a better year ahead of us.

Thank you all for your support, whether you stopped by at a convention, through Patreon, commissions, or any of my online shops. See you next year!


no me gusta cuando analizan la "inteligencia" de personajes y dicen "they are smart too just creative/street/ emotional not book smart" to characters that didn't/ havent succed academically in canon. Like you are saying nothing nothing actually. There are books about physics. And books about arquitecture. Or cooking. Or chemestry. Or cooking chemestry. Or painting techniques. They're all "book smart" that can be achieved academically. So you have a character who obvious interest are art for example and they show incredible talent and techniques but they get slapped with the "creative, inventive, and emotional" smart lajeldjfls just bc they dont like to study physics

The two inteligences: physics and making friends


no me gusta cuando analizan la "inteligencia" de personajes y dicen "they are smart too just creative/street/ emotional not book smart" to characters that didn't/ havent succed academically in canon. Like you are saying nothing nothing actually. There are books about physics. And books about arquitecture. Or cooking. Or chemestry. Or cooking chemestry. Or painting techniques. They're all "book smart" that can be achieved academically. So you have a character who obvious interest are art for example and they show incredible talent and techniques but they get slapped with the "creative, inventive, and emotional" smart lajeldjfls just bc they dont like to study physics


your honour I am simply stating that, regardless of magic flower, rapunzel and eugene would still fall in love because in an Aladdin au rapunzel would sneak out at night to take care of her kingdom, and Eugene would see her crown and take his chance, and they would instantly fall for each other. no I will not take any questions


Very sorry to my audience of myself but i got a laburo 😔


More men???

Yes, more men. These two (and Varian) get more than a free pass to my otherwise very female art accounts.


Se me olvida subir la otra parte lekkbk

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