Using Cookie Consent Management Platforms to Become Data Privacy Laws Compliant

Data privacy laws have become stricter, necessitating the usage of cookie consent management platforms to collect consumer data. To comply with cookie restriction laws, websites must require users to perform an action that shows their understanding and agreement to allow a website to collect their personal information. 

The EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in May 2018. Members of the EU will receive more privacy protections under this law. However, remember that the Cookie Policy is not just mandatory for EU-based companies but applies to any site that receives visitors from within the European Union. 

The US has no federal law on privacy, with individual states taking up the mantle to write data privacy laws. For instance, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is one of the most stringent data protection and privacy laws. While consent is not required, you must inform visitors you are collecting data via cookies and how you will use it. 

What Is Cookie Consent? 

Cookie consent refers to a user’s agreement to have a website store cookies in their browser since cookies collect user data. Most of the information you may gather through cookies requires consent to get it legally. 

Types of Cookie Consent 

There are several ways websites’ cookie consent management platforms classify cookies, typically based on their function. However, legal requirements for cookie permission do not apply to cookies that are essential to the operation of websites. Here are some of the common cookie consent types:  

Custom consent 

By default, this cookie consent type has all consent categories checked, although you can change this in the settings menu. 

However, only essential cookies will load on the website before requesting approval. After selecting “Preferences” and “Accept,” users give the site permission to load optional cookies. 

If you don’t choose before clicking the Accept button, all cookies (or the category you’ve enabled) will get loaded. If you click the “Reject” option, the banner will disappear, and you’ll only have allowed loading of essential cookies.  

Notice only consent 

For this type of cookie consent, the banner shows details about the cookies the site employs. However, the website cannot function properly or provide a better user experience without these cookies. 

The website assumes users have given their consent by continuing to use the site by not actively refusing their consent. Users can close the banner by clicking the “Got it” button. 

Implied consent 

Here you check all the cookie boxes. Non-essential cookies will only load on the website if the user allows them. After clicking the “Accept” button, all cookies will download. 

By continuing to browse the site without changing any cookie settings, users indicate their approval. That’s why the industry calls this cookie consent type “implicit.” “Preferences” is where users can disable cookies they consider unnecessary. 

Explicit consent 

You must disable all cookies under this type of cookie consent notification model until users take affirmative action, such as clicking a button to show their approval. 

Only the required field is pre-checked before proceeding. Unless allowed by the user, the website will not activate any cookies that are not strictly essential.  

Through “Preferences,” users can choose which cookies to download. If you select “Accept All,” all cookies will load, but if you choose “Reject All,” only the required cookies will load. 

Does Your Website Require Cookie Consent? 

Two factors determine whether or not your website requires user consent for cookies before you use them: 

  • Location of your company 
  • The country or state of the website users  

Getting cookie consent right is vital, considering the strict data rules governing website cookies and rising consumer demand for online privacy. For the sake of your company’s reputation, it’s essential to earn the trust of the people who visit your website. 

If you want to comply with most of the privacy laws, one of the most important things you can do is ask users for permission to install cookies. You can make your business compliant using a cookie consent management platform. 

Become Cookie Policy Compliant  

Our solution gives you peace of mind and ensures that your websites and apps will fully comply with GDPR and other international data protection laws. 

Create brand-consistent cookie banners 

We can make a cookie banner that complies with all regulations, and you can change it to fit your brand’s aesthetic without disrupting your clients’ online experience. Depending on the user’s location, it will display a unique set of banners and consent models.  

You can increase opt-in rates with the help of a multi-language manager and by sending out personalized reminders.  

Centralized control panel 

Our platform allows you to see, search, filter, and keep tabs on the most crucial consent metrics in one central location, which works across all channels.  

You can use the platform to confirm which domains are using cookies, which ones have obtained consent to use cookies, and what kinds of cookies they employ. 

Archiving consent activity provides you with evidence to support your claims in the event of an audit, protecting your company from potential lawsuits. 

Automated cookie blocking 

Adzapier’s cookie banner has a handy function called cookie blocking, which temporarily disables cookies on the website’s user’s end until they provide approval. That capability allows you to block any other kind of cookies besides necessary cookies. 

No coding is necessary for Google’s consent mode! 

Adzapier’s products allows you to implement settings from the GTM Community Template Gallery using Adzapier and Google Tag Manager. These themes already have the necessary settings for the tag you want to convert to, so all you have to do is follow a few simple instructions. 

Final Word 

A cookie’s consent notice that complies with the GDPR, CCPA, or LGPD may or may not be necessary, depending on your business location. However, privacy regulations are evolving worldwide, and it is in the best interest of your company to comply with the privacy rules as soon as possible. 

By integrating with Google Consent Mode, the Adzapier cookie consent management platform delivers an entirely automated cookie consent solution for your website, allowing you to strike a balance between data protection and a data-driven business. 

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