addressautocompleteapi — AWS Place Autocomplete API

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AWS Place Autocomplete API

aws address autocomplete apiALT

The AWS Place Autocomplete API provides a slew of data that can be used to help you find what you’re looking for. From street addresses to local languages, the API can help you find what you’re looking for. You can also use the API to validate addresses. For example, it can provide latitude and longitude to the address you’ve input.

The API supports more than five million address types. In addition to providing street addresses, the API can provide you with other useful information, such as the nearest metro stations, airports, and gas stations. There are also several widgets that can help you get what you need with the shortest amount of effort. These widgets can also show you only the data you really need.

As with any REST API, you can customize the experience with parameters that will help you find what you’re looking for. For example, you can limit the results to only those of a certain type, or filter them by location. It is also possible to optimize the experience by using field masks. Using the proper field masks can reduce the API’s response time by as much as 50%.

Although it’s not the most performant, the AWS Places API does have its merits. Some of the aforementioned functionality can be augmented with an API gateway. If you don’t have a gateway already set up, you can create one with just a few clicks. To do this, you’ll need an App ID and a geocodesuggest path.


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