High school third grade(12th grade)
He likes philosophy and literature
He can speak korean, english, japanese, chinese, spanish, german, french, russian, latin, greek but not good at math
High school third grade(12th grade)
He likes philosophy and literature
He can speak korean, english, japanese, chinese, spanish, german, french, russian, latin, greek but not good at math
차범석 불모지 車凡錫 不毛地 《barren land》 Cha bumseok
Korean post war drama
Minjeong hyeokcheol
Did you know that chocolate is originated from mexico
Omoriboy is back
Vocaloid sunburn
After moving away part.2
Part 1:
Read next pages here(20page):
i've been playing omori
kel is so lovely AAAA
(Comic)After moving away part 1
Post hikkikomori route fan comic
Omori becomes other rpg maker characters
Something is behind you
Close your eyes
“yeah… i think we’ll always be best friends.” 💫